Mental Health Awareness
Course Dates
Start DateDurationLocationRemaining
There are currently no upcoming dates for this course


With 1 in 4 adults diagnosed with a form of mental illness at some stage in their life₁ and the cost to businesses reaching £1,716 per employee per year₂, many employers are prioritising the well-being of their people.
The Coronavirus pandemic is having a huge effect on our mental health with nearly two thirds of people across England saying that their mental health has become worse during lockdown₃, but around one third did not seek help as they thought their problem wasn’t serious enough.

Course overview

This 2 hour course is designed by clinicians and managers to provide a basic understanding of Mental Health to non-clinical managers and workplace influencers, enabling them to recognise signs of mental ill health whilst supporting staff and colleagues.

How will this course help you, your colleagues, and your staff?

  • To provide a basic understanding of what constitutes good mental health and what types of mental health problems are commonly encountered in the workplace.
  • To consider different approaches to supporting those with mental illness which promote mental well-being.
  • To improve awareness of how mental illness can affect colleagues.
  • To reduce the cost of poor mental health to your organisation.
  • To improve your status as a mindful employer.


Virtual delivery
Our virtual courses are designed to deliver an interactive and engaging experience through group discussions and collaborative polls via an online platform, where you will receive high-quality training without leaving your home.

Course details
This course is currently only offered as an in-house training program meaning that it is organised and delivered for your workplace. Please visit our Train Your Team page for more information

- Annual Health Survey. - Deloitte, - Mind

Contact us

If you have a question or query regarding this course, check out our FAQ page. Couldn’t find what you were looking for? Fill out the enquiry form below and one of our course coordinators will be in touch with you shortly.

© 2024 SLD Training Ltd One Navigation Walk, Hebble Wharf, Wakefield WF1 5RH